Download older versions of any iOS app with Brook
Updated at: 2023-03-16


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Download the old version YouTube v17.15.1

Required software

πŸ˜‰ In theory, it is also possible on macOS, but I did not find the download address of the corresponding version of iTunes

Signin iTunes and Download Never Require Password

  1. Disconnect Brook
  2. iTunes Menu -> Account -> Sign In
  3. iTunes Menu -> Edit -> Preferences -> Store -> Purchases: Never Require. Free Downloads: Never Require

😑 Because Apple's authentication server will block many commercial IPs, we log in and set up in advance to avoid future authentication requests.

We need to find two things

Find App ID and history version ID list

  1. Brook: Turn on Fake DNS; turn off Bypass; turn on Programmable; turn on TUN; fill in Script:

    text := import("text")
    f := func(){
        if in_address {
            if in_address.domainaddress && text.has_suffix(in_address.domainaddress, "") {
                return {
                     mitmprotocol: "https",
                     mitmwithbody: true,
                     mitmautohandlecompress: true
        if in_httprequest && !in_httpresponse {
            return in_httprequest
        if in_httprequest && in_httpresponse {
            return in_httpresponse
    out := f()

  2. Connect Brook. Then download the YouTube iPhone App from iTunes.

  3. In the MITM log, you should see POST

    πŸ˜‰ The domain name does not have to be exactly the same as above

  4. appid: the songId in the body. Here is 544007664

  5. versionid: softwareVersionExternalldentifiers in the body

    πŸ˜‰ This is a list, you can save it first

Find the specified version ID from the history version ID list

The history version ID is like 848374799, how do you know which version ID corresponds to v17.15.1?

The list of history version ID is arranged sequentially. Jump and download it yourself to have a look. I believe that with your ingenuity, you can find the version you want in a while. The video shows how I found it.

Download old App

  1. Brook: Turn on Fake DNS, turn off Bypass, turn on Programmable, turn on TUN, and fill in the Script:

    😑 Please fork and modify the appid and versionid variables in the script

    appid := "544007664" // YouTube
    versionid := "848374799" // v17.15.1
    text := import("text")
    f := func(){
        if in_address {
            if in_address.domainaddress && text.has_suffix(in_address.domainaddress, "") {
                return {
                     mitmprotocol: "https",
                     mitmwithbody: true,
                     mitmautohandlecompress: true
        if in_httprequest && !in_httpresponse {
            if in_httprequest["Method"] == "POST" && text.contains(in_httprequest["URL"], "/WebObjects/MZBuy.woa/wa/buyProduct") {
                s := string(in_httprequest["Body"])
                if text.contains(s, "<string>"+appid+"</string>") {
                    in_httprequest["Body"] = bytes(text.re_replace(`<key>appExtVrsId</key>\s*<string>\d+</string>`, s, "<key>appExtVrsId</key>\n<string>"+versionid+"</string>"))
            return in_httprequest
        if in_httprequest && in_httpresponse {
            return in_httpresponse
    out := f()

  2. Disconnect Brook and reconnect.

  3. Right-click and delete the YouTube App you just downloaded from the iTunes library. Re-download the YouTube iPhone App. From the library, you can see the old version of YouTube that has been downloaded. Right-click to view the ipa location.

Install the ipa file to the phone

ideviceinstaller is used here, and macOS has brew that can be installed directly. If you don't want to compile for windows, here has compiled it, use this here.

😑 Must be the same Apple ID

  1. Uninstall YouTube on iPhone first
  2. Connect iPhone USB to Windows
  3. I use GitBash

    git clone
    cd libimobiledevice-windows
    ./ideviceinstaller.exe --install ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Media/Mobile\ Applications/YouTube\ 17.15.1.ipa



You can also do without the server

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